Community Action Program at KAS

11th October 17

metal gate


We are exited to announce the launch of KAS’s new Community Action program for Year 12 students. As part of the new initiative, each student has chosen a school, community or charity based activity to be involved with on a weekly basis. Roles include supporting clubs, assisting with school duties, supervising PAL (Peer Assisted Learning), peer mentoring, helping in Lower School and working with our Free the Children society.

The Community Action Program offers students an opportunity to develop skills outside the classroom and give something back to our local community here at KAS. Our ethos is to promote mutual respect, individuality, self-reliance and social responsibility and by working closely within the wider school community, it allows students an opportunity to put these important values into practise.

In PAL sessions, Year 12 students are gaining leadership skills and building a strong rapport with students from other year groups. They are acting as guides and mentors for individuals within their classes and developing their own self-confidence and organisational skills. Students who chose to assist with clubs and school duty are experiencing a different extracurricular role by shadowing staff staff and learning to take responsibility for others. Free the Children and charity volunteers are becoming involved in a student led initiatives that see raise awareness and much needed funds for both local and international causes. Peer mentors and Lower School helpers have been provided with relevant training to enable them to support younger children in specific areas.

Involvement in Community Action allows students to extend their own independence and social responsibility, while helping others achieve their potential. Though the program is still in its early days, we have already had positive feedback from teachers, who have reporting that the students have acted responsibly and confidently in Community Action roles.

We are very proud of our Year 12 Community Action participants for taking the time to try something new and proving themselves to be reliable and caring individuals. We’re looking forward to seeing the program develop, and watching KAS students take their newfound skills and experience into the wider world beyond the school gates in future years.

Lynne, Drama

Where Next?