Year 9 Community Work Experience

27th March 18

Last week Year 9 students completed Community Work Experience at KAS. Students helped out in a variety of roles around school ranging from food prep in the kitchen and estates tasks to teaching in lower school and helping in the library.

Two students, Arthur and Alana, took over the KAS Twitter feed and worked as journalists, bloggers and photographers for the day. Arthur and Alana report on work experience and share their photographs of the day.

Student Report: Year 9 Work Experience

By Arthur and Alana, YR9

From March 19th to 23rd Year 9 partook in work experience (WEX) around the school. There were a variety of jobs, ranging from architect to assistant teacher.

For our work experience assignment, we interviewed and photographed other Year 9 students doing their work experience – documenting everything on the King Alfred School Twitter page that was temporarily turned over to us.

Here are a few examples of the jobs being done today and the Year 9 students we interviewed.


The student who was assisting in the kitchen had the role of not only helping the kitchen staff prepare enough food to feed the whole school, but also serving it and then cleaning up the lunch hall. He said he found it therapeutic and was enjoying himself.

Lower School Assistant Teaching

There were two students helping lower-school teachers with odd jobs and tutoring the younger children. The students found it nostalgic working in their old classrooms, and enjoyed interacting with the younger pupils.

MFL Assistant

Teo, who is fluent in Spanish, took a placement in the MFL department. He helped younger students learn vocabulary, put up two displays and assembled teaching resources.

Estates Team

Three or so students worked with the Estates Team. It is the most popular work experience choice of them all. The job involves a lot of manual work, assembling chairs, cleaning, setting up the lunch hall and call-overs, etc.

Design and Technology

DT work experience involved assisting with lessons and learning how to use various new machines in the workshop. Sam, the student working there, said that it was a valuable experience related to his future career.

Junior Architects

Frank and Kitty were assigned to help School Architect Belinda. Their brief was to ask Year 1 and Reception to describe their ideal playground and classroom and then set about designing it on the computer.

Thanks to Alana and Arthur for being excellent work experience students! You can follow their tweets on @kingalfredsch #yr9wex.

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