Education On The Move: KASS Conference

31st January 22

Education on the Move Conference

19th March 9.30am—4pm

“If we teach today’s children as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” John Dewey

Each day brings new voices saying our education system needs to change. Despite this, many can be discouraged by the twin challenges of what this change should look like, and of how to overcome the obstacles that perpetuate the status quo.

The reality however, is that there is a lot more innovation taking place than many people realise. Education is already on the move.

Hosted by The King Alfred School Society in association with Rethinking Assessment, we bring together for the first time a brilliant range of schools from around the country who are embracing reform – all serving very different kinds of communities.

Hear also from the University sector on how their admissions processes are changing, and from employers on the new methods they are using to hire recruits.

Explore what changes can be made now, how to bring your community with you, and why we inadvertently do a disservice to our young people if we keep things as they are.

Amongst our outstanding rosta of speakers, we are especially delighted to welcome our keynote, Gwyn ap Harri, founder of the XP Schools who was recently featured by the Times Education Commission.

Also featuring:

  • Olly Newton – Executive Director – the Edge Foundation
  • Mike Nicolson – Deputy Head of Education Services (Admissions and Participation) – Cambridge University
  • Imogen Pemberton – Head of Admissions and Widening Participation at the London Interdisciplinary School
  • Vanessa Dewhurst – Partner and Chief People Officer – Mischon de Reya
  • Rachel Macfarlane – Director of Education Services – Herts for Learning
  • Bill Lucas – Professor of Learning at Winchester University and Director of the Centre for Real World Learning; co-founder of Rethinking Assessment
  • Peter Hyman – Co-Director of Big Education; Co-founder School 21; Co-founder Rethinking Assessment
  • Clare Jarmy – Deputy Head Academic – Bedales School
  • Charlie ben Nathan – Assistant Head Teaching and Learning – Latymer Upper School
  • Melissa Bustamante – Head of Computer Science and Creative Technology at St Paul’s Girls’ School
  • Leanne Forde-Nassey – Head Teacher at the Key Schools (pupil referral units)
  • Phil Avery – Director of Education – Bohunt Education Trust
  • Kerry-Jane Packman – Executive Director of Programmes, Membership and Charitable Services at Parentkind

Places are limited, so sign up quickly! Click here to book tickets.

Where Next?