The PE Department have launched a new tool, SOCS, which will help keep you informed about sports fixtures here at KAS.
SOCS provides easy access to information about teams, match details, and results for those of you whose child/children participate in sport at KAS. You will be able to find out in just a few clicks what’s on where and when, as well as synchronise your desktop and mobile calendars with relevant team fixture lists.
This will reduce the need to rely on email communication, preventing your inbox becoming cluttered with messages from the PE department for you to manage.
Parents and guardians just need to use the email address which the School has registered for them in order to set up an account (full details below). Once you’ve activated your account, you will be able to access all the fixture information relevant to your child/children.
The system will also provide you with instant news and updates should there be any unforeseen last-minute changes to sporting arrangements, so we strongly encourage you to create an account.
To create an account, please click here or log in to the parent portal where there is a permanent link to SOCS and follow these simple steps:
Once logged in, you can select My Calendar from the navigation menu on the left of the page and you will be able to sync your child’s/children’s sports calendar with your own.
SOCS will give you greater awareness of the sporting opportunities in which your child/children are participating, as well as the ability to manage permissions for them to play in a fixture.
The default position for Upper School students participating in regular fixtures is that consent is assumed for indidividual fixtures. For all-day sporting events that require prolonged time away from school, the PE Department will require you to confirm if you are happy for your child/children to participate. The School will get in touch with you ahead of such events to discuss permissions.
For Lower School student we will require parental consent for each match which you can provide in the SOCS system.
If for any reason you need to withdraw consent for your child/children then you can log into your SOCS account and click on the relevant fixture to bring up a fixture details button. After clicking on it, there will be a Submit Consent/Travel Info drop down box in this window, which you can use to withdraw permission – please note, the PE Department require notice to be given the day before a fixture to register the withdrawal of consent. If you need to withdraw consent closer to the start of the fixture, we ask that you phone the School and inform Front of House.
If your child/children doesn’t currently play in a team but you want to find out more information about sports at KAS, you can see at a glance what’s on, where and when, without logging into SOCS, by visiting the School’s new sport webpage: The King Alfred School | Sports Home.
If you have any questions about SOCS or if you are experiencing issues activating your account, please email