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Help Us Shape Our Futures

Giving Campaign to help raise £2 million to reshape The King Alfred School

Let’s come together as the King Alfred School community to Shape our Futures by:

  • Creating a new pedestrian only entrance to Manor Wood
  • Redevelop our Early Years spaces inside and out, bringing Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 together
  • Re-establishing the field as the heart of Manor Wood by relocating our Exploration Years to innovative new teaching facilities, and removing the temporary buildings
  • Redeveloping our site to be sustainable and increase our resilience to climate change, while reducing our carbon footprint

Your gift will Shape the Futures of current students and for generations to come at The King Alfred School. Ex Corde Vita. From the Heart Springs Life.

Click on the images below to see the plans:

Gift Form

For information on how to give, please email development@kingalfred.org.uk

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