The King Alfred School strives to be a place where all people feel at home, where they feel heard, valued, included, visible and safe.
We are committed to embedding diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging (DEIB) in all aspects of school life, through curriculum development, recruitment, governance, education and training for staff and students, and by facilitating conversations across the School community.
We work with specialist external organisations to support us in addressing many different strands in a structured and planned way.
Within our vision for a holistic education, we deepen knowledge and understanding by focusing on ‘self’, ‘community’ and ‘world’. Alongside curriculum reviews in both Lower and Upper School, this focus helps to weave DEIB into teaching and learning at KAS.
Student voice is integral to shaping DEIB at the School, with young people contributing to policy development and workshops – all underpinned by one of the School’s guiding principles: mutual respect.
Our DEIB Lead and Assistant Head – Achievement, Takako, has introduced termly parent forums to hear more views from across the community, as well as to provide families with updates on the work taking place at KAS.
We know there is much work to be done and, in line with our ethos and values, are passionate about continuing to develop a culture in which everyone can thrive and fulfil their potential.