Upper School Choice - chess

Category: Lower School – King Alfred School

Shaping words and communities with Year 2

28th January 2021

Our Year 2 students have been very busy working on their handwriting, vocabulary and playing with words as part of their topic of Communities. Teacher Kim said: “We have been…

Poetry and pictures from Year 3

28th January 2021

Our Y3 students have been sharing a lot of wonderful work from KASConnected classrooms and it really showcases their talents. Teacher Sally said: “We have been writing poems this week…

Window Wonders from Year 3

26th January 2021

Students in Sally’s Year 3 class have been changing their view using only paper and scissors! Sally says, “In today’s art lesson, I wanted to do something that would make…

Peaceful Thoughts

20th January 2021

The Y6 inquiry topic this half term is ‘Peace & War’ and they’ve been creating some amazing artwork as part of the project. To introduce the subject, Adele’s class were…

It’s beginning to look a lot like (recycled) Christmas!

7th December 2020

In the Lower School – the classrooms are decorated for the last week of term with festive snowflakes, paper-chains, popcorn garlands and twinkling trees. What all these decorations have in…

Let The Music Play

17th November 2020

The KAS Music Department have been very busy this term with two amazing concerts. First up was Axemonsters which was live streamed on our YouTube Channel as we weren’t able…

Poetry inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement

16th November 2020

In Y6 students have been looking at the Black Lives Matter movement. They’ve read poems by Benjamin Zephania and discussed racism and diversity. One student was inspired to write this…

Here be dragons

21st October 2020

Sara’s Y4 class were excited to show off the work they’ve been doing on Dragons this term. The topic, which has encompassed all aspects of the curriculum, started with the…

Fundraising fun

16th October 2020

On the last day before half term our Lower School students turned up in a terrifying array of costumes to celebrate the holiday and raise funds for the Parent/ Staff…

Poetry please: National Poetry Day

13th October 2020

World Poetry Day came around again on October 1st which the school marked with our annual poetry competition in the Upper School. This year’s theme was ‘Vision’ and we were…

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