Upper School Choice - chess

Category: Upper School – King Alfred School

Year 12 Peer Educators Begin Teaching Year 7

11th November 2021

A group of Year 12 students have been training as Peer Educators and today they began delivering lessons on mental health to our Year 7 Crews. The initiative, led by…

Language Department Celebrate El Dia De Los Muertos

9th November 2021

In Modern Foreign Languages, students have been learning about the cultural aspects of Dia de los Muertos, a tradition from Latin America (Mexico) which happens every year on the 1st…

Black History Month At KAS

20th October 2021

The school has been giving serious thought to its approach to diversity and inclusion this half of term. As part of this, Departments have been finding ways to celebrate the…

Meet The Teachers: New Upper School Teachers

18th October 2021

We’ve got new staff in the Upper School so if you see them around, say ‘hi’. Here’s a bit about them: Name: Hannah Sheath Role at KAS: Mathematics teacher, 6-8…

Focus On Photography

18th October 2021

Photography is a popular choice both at GCSE and A level here at KAS and you regularly see students out and about round the site honing their skills under the…

TEDxKingAlfredSchool Talks Are Live

6th October 2021

The TEDxKingAlfredSchool event has become a highlight of the school calendar and, despite being delayed from February, the September 2021 event didn’t disappoint. Fourteen speakers took to The Phoenix Theatre…

The Return of TEDxKingAlfredSchool (finally!)

21st September 2021

On Sunday 19th September the third TEDxKingAlfredSchool finally took place. Originally scheduled for January 2021 it had been postponed twice due to the pandemic. It was with great joy and…

Online safety advice for parents

9th September 2021

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Tracy Preston has written to parents with a helpful guide to online safety. With information on the most used apps, what we teach as part of…

Head’s Blog –
The truth behind ‘inflated’ exam grades

23rd August 2021

You can listen to Head, Robert Lobatto talk about this year’s exam results in this vlog or the same content is available as a blog immediately below. Making sense of…

Well Deserved Success for GCSE Students

12th August 2021

Celebrations were in order today as Year 11 students came into school to collect their excellent GCSE results. 51% of results were at grades 8 and 9 (equivalent to A*),…

Where Next?