Upper School Choice - chess

Category: Upper School – King Alfred School

Head’s Blog – Thoughts on the 2020 exam fiasco

24th August 2020

The last week has been very challenging for students, families and schools throughout the country. How did we get into this mess and what lessons can we learn for the…

GCSE students shine with excellent results

20th August 2020

In these most unusual of times, King Alfred School Year 11 students today celebrated their excellent GCSE results which were a real tribute to their hard work over many years….

A challenging year ends on a high note for A level students  

13th August 2020

After a school year unlike any other, results day had a very different feel this year as Y13 students gathered at Manor Wood to collect their A level results. King…

Life in the Upper School – Welcoming our new Year 7 students

9th July 2020

We would normally organise a transition day for the Year 6 students who are moving from Lower School to Upper School and for those students who are entering the school…

Sailing Away – saying goodbye to Edo

8th July 2020

After 30 years at KAS, we’re sad to say goodbye to Head of PE, Edo. Here, colleague Claire Murphy pays tribute to a true KAS legend. “Edo left Croatia (then…

Y11 Graduation goes online

24th June 2020

The end of Y11 and completion of GCSEs is a big milestone in students’ lives. With lockdown measures meaning large gatherings are banned, the Y11 graduation had to go online…

Making the Unreal, Real – Y8 Photographing Nature

17th June 2020

Our Year 8 artists have been inspired by Karl Blossfeldt and Joan Fontcuberta for their recent KAS Connected Learning project.  They looked at the work of Karl Blossfeldt who was…

Going for Gold

8th June 2020

Y13 student Luca is the first KAS student to achieve their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. Take up of DofE awards has been growing and we’re proud of Luca’s achievement…

Taking the stage

8th June 2020

Y11 student, Erica wrote a wonderful description of what it’s like to take part in a KAS production – with our Phoenix Theatre silent due to lockdown it’s a great…

Drawing between the lines – Y9

19th May 2020

In Art, Year 9 students have been doing a project on ‘Blackout poetry’. They’ve taken pre-existing pages from books and isolated words and phrases from the page to make a…

Where Next?