Upper School Choice - chess

Category: Upper School – King Alfred School

Upper School Virtual Open Morning

15th May 2020

Despite the school buildings being closed – our Open Morning for the Upper School went ahead virtually. This is a recording of the webinar which featured Head, Robert, Sixth Former,…

Year 7 students are
on a Crusade

7th May 2020

Students in 7A have been studying the Crusades from their KASConnected classrooms at home. They discussed why some people would choose to go on a Crusade and the students designed…

Crafting Creative Costumes

7th May 2020

Our Y12 Theatre Studies students have been busy re-imaging and creating their own costume designs for Tennessee Williams’ The Glass  Menagerie.

Monumental designs
make History

6th May 2020

Y8 students have been looking at the slave trade in their History lessons and designing monuments to remember those who suffered. They were challenged to use materials from around their…

Personal Space (with Y7 scientists)

5th May 2020

In the Science Department, Laura designed an amazing project for our Year 7s to complete. They had to choose one starter, one main and one dessert from their ‘Nandos Space…

Game on for Year 9 Biologists

30th April 2020

In Year 9 the students were given a two week project around Ecology and the resulting games they created are brain-boosting-boredom-busters.

Positive posters for the NHS

29th April 2020

Posters by our Y11 students have been sent to The Royal Free Hospital to help decorate a corridor and give a boost to frontline healthcare workers.

Moving pictures

22nd April 2020

Year 11 photography students were working towards exam projects when GCSEs were cancelled due to Covid-19. See two of their beautiful films here.

Last exhibition before lockdown

2nd April 2020

In mid March – before the school buildings closed, our Sixth Form Critical and Contextual Studies students curated an exhibition in response to the artist Anselm Kiefer. Kiefer creates dystopian,…

Remote learning for Upper School students

23rd March 2020

Though our school buildings are closed, our students are busy studying from home. We know this new way of working can be challenging. Here are some tips for remote learning and reminders of how we will be delivering lessons to different year groups across the Upper School.

Where Next?