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Tag: lower school

Creative anti-bullying week responses from Y6

17th November 2021

This week is #antibullyingweek and there have been activities taking place across Lower School. Our Year 6 students were challenged with making items to represent our commitment to kindness and…

Head’s Blog – Considering What Matters in Lower School

16th November 2021

Now, more than ever before, it feels like time to pause and consider both what and how we teach in our schools. We have the responsibility and the privilege to ensure that each child’s school experience goes much deeper than their acquisition…

The OA Author Who Learnt To Love Books At KAS

5th October 2021

Once students leave The King Alfred School, they go on to careers in every field imaginable. Recently our Old Alfredians office have been welcoming alumnae back to Manor Wood to…

Old School Education for Y5

22nd April 2021

The sun shone for Y5 Victorian Day which saw them dressing up in historically inspired outfits and receiving their lessons from from newly strict teachers! Students had already spent time…

World Book Day Dress-Up

1st April 2021

In Lower School we delayed the dressing up part of World Book Day (which fell during lockdown) and allowed our students to let their imaginations fly on the last day…

Pop Art Portraits – A Hit For Year 6

16th March 2021

Walking past the Year 6 classrooms you can’t help but notice the bright and bold portraits covering one wall of Adele’s room. 6S have been busy looking at pop art…

Peaceful Thoughts

20th January 2021

The Y6 inquiry topic this half term is ‘Peace & War’ and they’ve been creating some amazing artwork as part of the project. To introduce the subject, Adele’s class were…

Fundraising fun

16th October 2020

On the last day before half term our Lower School students turned up in a terrifying array of costumes to celebrate the holiday and raise funds for the Parent/ Staff…

Where Next?