Since it’s inception, one of the aims of The King Alfred School Society has been to be at the forefront of Educational research and reform – striving to make education…
As a School we are working with groups like Rethinking Assessment and the School Directed Courses Consortium to look at alternatives to the current GCSE system. Leading the charge at…
Deputy Head Al McConville shares insights from our journey towards reshaping assessment for young people. “The voices calling for educational reform are growing in number and becoming more insistent. The…
Part of our founders vision was that The King Alfred School would strive to share our ideas around education with the wider community. So, in our 125th anniversary year, it…
Back in March 2022 The King Alfred School Society and Rethinking Assessment were proud to host the Education On The Move Conference in the glorious surroundings of The Phoenix Theatre….
A very broad group of thinkers, parents, employers, educators, students, researchers came together at our Education On The Move Conference (co-hosted with Rethinking Assessment), all convinced that in different ways we have something of a curriculum emergency and we need to radically rethink the way we evidence the full range of young people’s strengths.
19th March 9.30am—4pm “If we teach today’s children as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” John Dewey Each day brings new voices saying our education system needs to…
For many schools the exams hiatus caused by Covid increased the desire to explore different forms of assessment, particularly at GCSE level. In a recent article for the Times Educational…
As part of the Rethinking Assessment group, our Head, Robert, is helping to drive conversations around GCSE reform. Rethinking Assessment is a group of state, independent and special schools, business…